Friday, May 10, 2013


Hola señoritos! (instead of saying señoritas and señor's i say señoritos! for both! hehe )

okay. I know. " JACKIE YOUVE BEEN GONE FOR FOREVER SHAME ON YOU GURL" I know. I know. I am ashamed of myself * tear *. I actually never stick to anything!! :(

so i kind of steered off the bandwagon of healthy foods... yeah.. i know... hahaha :P
i did lose some weight! i got taller though so it doesnt show on the scale :P
GOOD NEWS I STARTED WALKING *cough * to starbucks * cough cough * * HACK * lol but walking is walking right?...right..? lol
also I got honked and whistled at by an old man while i was walking home alone... yeah. lol

OH I started a little home business of making accessories like phone cases and charms! LOOK!

ALL MADE BY HAND! Adair I think you would like these haha :P

but yea. i dont really have many "healthy" recipes but i really want to post on here more often lol :P <3 you guys!!!!!!!!! btw if you dont know Adair from FoodStainedHands go check her outtt!!!!  <----- COPY THAT INTO YOUR URL RIGHT NOW c:

love you all *KISSES* lol